Free Orthodontic Consultation

Dentist Before and After Invisalign Consult at Dental Now Panorama

At Dental Now Panorama, our commitment to excellence in patient care means that we’re ready to help you, whenever you need us! That’s why in order to properly diagnose your consultation, we require some additional information to help serve you better! 

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diamond invisalign provider

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Over the last 13 years, we’ve helped thousands of patients smile with confidence. 

For most people, the answer is Yes. However, Invisalign is not a turnkey solution. Your dentist’s input into the design of the aligners can have drastic impacts on your results. As well, Invisalign must be worn a minimum of 22 hours a day to see the movements necessary.

The Invisalign® system uses a series of clear, removable aligners.  As you change to each new set of aligners in your series, your teeth gradually move until they reach the desired position. This process can take months to complete.

Misaligned teeth can lead to airway issues, premature wear, tooth loss, and periodontal (gum) disease.  Properly aligned teeth reduce the risk of tooth chipping, breaking, and wear, which could cause pain and lead to expensive procedures in the future to save your teeth.  Proper alignment also reduces stress on the jawbone and TMJ.  

Yes! We offer all of our patients 0% financing and extended monthly payment plans. 

The Canadian Dental Association recommends every child have an orthodontic assessment no later than age 7.  Waiting on treatment can lead to a less than ideal result. Certain orthodontic problems are best treated when children have a combination of adult and baby teeth.

Orthodontic Invisalign